The reason for our visit was to view the Blue Willow Gentians which are in full flower at this time of year. High Beeches is said to be the only UK garden in which these shade loving plants have naturalised in such large numbers. We took to the descending paths, through an acid wildflower meadow that had notbeen ploughed or cultivated within living memory to see pirouetting butterflies,diaphanous winged dragonflies and friends dancing amongst the Devil's BitScabious. Down into enchanting mossy woodland glades, we walked marked tracks past pondsbordered by enormous Gunnera Manicata, malodourous American Swamp Lily and thenthankfully on to swathes of sweetly scented Hedychium Gardnerianum growing undera dizzying array of trees including some very impressive Magnolia, Rhododendron and Acer.
At last the WillowGentians we sought revealed themselves with trumpet shaped flowers in the most beautiful and vivid shade of blue scattered all over the lower gardens. The long descend concluded with a much longer ascend to a well deserved picnic with views over the High Weald.
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