5 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Fall Decorating on a Dime.

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I love fall.It is my favorite season. I love the vibrant colors, the crisp air and thedelicious fragrance that radiates throughout the season. Because of my love affairwith fall, I often struggle when decorating our home. Mostly because I have thedesire to spends loads of money and go over the top. However, I’m learning torestrain myself and embrace the mantra “less is more”.
Just likemost seasons, when I start decorating our home, I break out a plastic tub fromthe attic and sort through the “oldies but goodies.” My favorite piece fromlast year is this Autumn Wreath. Not only did I make it but the colors scream harvestto me.  

Another “oldiebut goodie” is our hocus pocus garden flag. I found this cool guy at a boutiqueseveral years ago in the spring on a clearance rack. (Never underestimate thepower of shopping off season.) It’s been a fall favorite for many years!

Once I’vescattered pumpkins and other various items from our tub, I make a quick list ofitems for purchase. This year, I knew we needed some mums and pumpkins on thefront porch. When I picked them up from Kroger and arranged the cuties on theporch, they felt plain. I added burlap to the black mum pots for a more harvestfeel. Burlap is normally a cheap way to spruce up your décor so I was thrilledto find it on sale at JoAnn’s Fabric for $3 a yard. 

Of coursewhen you go into JoAnn’s you can’t just grab one item and leave so I alsopurchased a bag of mini pumpkins and gourds to scatter along the mantle. This alsowas relatively inexpensive at a low price for $3.  I was pleased with the outcome because itadded a bit more dimension to the mantle. 

Overall, Ispent around $30 and was able to achieve the perfect fall look for our home.Decorating your home doesn't have to break the bank. What inexpensive ways haveyou been decorating your home for fall? I’d love to hear your ideas. 

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