Last night something profound happened. J was eating his icecream and we were carrying on a casual conversation. However,when I decided to leave the room, I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek andthen the following conversation took place.
J looks at me andsays, “aww.”
The conversation was as light-hearted as the gesture. I feltcompelled to give him a small smooch before exiting the room and he noticed. AsI walked up the stairs to focus on one of my million to do list items, thisinteraction replayed in my mind.
I realized a gesture as small as a kiss on the cheek canprove to your husband that he is loved. It’s the motiveless gestures that meanthe most. As ladies, we are always looking for romance (another topic foranother day--- don’t even get me started). We want someone to grab our hand andshow us the world. But how many times to we initiate romance into our dailylives? How many times do we speak love and adoration to our spouse without themearning it? I know for me, sometimes cheek kisses are few and far in between.
I regret that I often overlook the small things I can do todaily love on my spouse. However, I’m grateful for wisdom to recognize when I’moff base. As women, we get so caught up in our to do list we often push our menaside. This interaction reminded me to seize the opportunities I have each dayto show him exactly how much I love him.

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