However, I have one complaint. Searching on Pinterest. It isn't always an exact science. They have gotten much better with their search engine, but maybe I'm to blame for some of it!!
Here are my pin boards...thanks to everyone who shares their pins and repins. I love everyone who pins!!

Searching on Pinterest...
You can type in a word or words in the search box at the top left...

or you can go to the "Category" section and select a topic, like DIY/Crafts or Food and Drink

In this picture, I searched with the word "Autumn". What comes up first are the "Pins" for that word.
See, I circled it there at the top left. When you are in the "Pin" section, it's just pictures that have been pinned in general for autumn.

If you move over to the "BOARDS" section, circled below...this is where ALL the boards are, that are labeled "Autumn"...people's individual Autumn Boards. You can find and follow so many new people from this section.
The next section over from boards is "PEOPLE" where you would search for someone specific.

Here's where I've gotten better about Pinning myself and/or Repinning someone else's pin...the words that I use.
The circled picture below is for "Roasted Pumpkin Soup. In the beginning, I would have just put "Yum" and filed it under my Soup Board.
Now I know better to help with searching for everyone, that what I write is important.

However, I'm still perplexed with Pinterest and how things are searched.
I did a test with the circled picture below. It says "Basket of Blooms". It was pinned by someone I follow and was in my "Following" section.
For my test...I went to the search box and typed in "Basket of Blooms", however that specific picture didn't show up...wonder why?

I'm sure the technical side of Pinterest must be a nightmare, but I'm going to be much better when I "pin", I promise!!
Happy Pinning,
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