I'll spare you anymore ramblings and share my weekly goals... Let's see if I can stick with it. (That's the hard part!)
mind right…
1.) Outline Chapters for Final Exam in Macroeconomics2.) Outline Chapters for Final Exam in Statistics
soul right…
1.) Continue allocating 20 minutes a day to pray for J. 2.) Complete devotion 5 days a week.
body right…
1.) Keep running with accountability partner for couch to 5 K training.2.) Take 2 yoga classes to keep back and core strong.
home right…
1.) Clean the house before I leave to house sit.2.) Make sure J has groceries/snacks before I leave.3.) Buy paint for downstairs.
work right…
1.) Say something encouraging even when I'm holding back an eye roll.2.) Wrap up the August Goals/ Transfer incomplete goals to the September list.
If you want to link up for Menu Monday + Goals at The Grant life, follow me here... I love all things Kelley and you should too! Check her out. :)
Have a great week!

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