A very kind reader, Laura from the blog Now Things Are Cookin', sent me an email telling me she had found 2 sites that had stolen my posts...FULL POSTS, right down to where I even sign the bottom. They've stolen everything...they are blog scrapers.
What are Blog Scrapers? Well, in short, it is an automated computer software that trolls blogs and STEALS your blog content, then a real person puts the entire post on their FAKE blog. This fake blog has advertising on it to make money...from your work.
I love blogging. I love creating, sewing, organizing, cooking, crafting etc. I also LOVE sharing it with all of you. If you are a blogger, you know the time it takes to make all your creations, take and edit the pictures, write the posts etc. I am definitely NOT complaining about that part of it at all. As a matter of fact, the creation of each post is my favorite thing. Blogging has actually become more of my hobby than anything else.
I just love the friends I have made through blogging, the connections and the experience itself is priceless.
Here is a wonderful blog post by "Between Naps on The Porch" on blog scraping...click HERE to read her post.
Click HERE for another description I found on Wikipedia about Blog Scraping. I have quoted one section below that scared me to death...
"Additionally, scraped content can appear on literally any type of splog or RSS-fed spam site. This means an unsuspecting individual could find their creative or copyrighted material copied onto a site promoting pornography or similar type of content that may be offensive to the original author and his/her audience. This may be damaging to the original author's reputation."
I could easily share the links to the sites created by these horrible people who have stolen my content and many others, but I don't want them to have the satisfaction of anyone clicking on their site and then they'll make more money. Instead, I have screen printed the site so you can see what they have done.
Here are some screen shots of their site...I have added the Red Bold Type to the pictures

They copied the entire Find a Friend Friday post.

I am so MAD at this other so called blog. Not only did they steal the Find a Friend Friday post, they also have the nerve to steal more of my posts for their side bar. Look at all the arrows I added pointing to my other posts. Thoughts on Thursday, Tool Time Tuesday, a recipe of mine, Sew Darn Crafty, Sew Sew Saturday...I could just cry!
Look at the title of their blog...X YE Z BLOG. Really?

What it comes down to is...I can't change the bad people out there. I know that the good people in the world far outweigh the bad, but boy do the bad people make it difficult. They, however, will NOT scare me away.
What I CAN do is make it a little more difficult for them to steal my content. When a post is truncated the real "human" reader sees a portion of the post and then has to "click" over to read the rest. Computer Scrapers can't "click" over to the whole post as they are trolling the internet, so that makes it a little harder for them to steal the "entire" post and my work.
My hope is that the extra click is not going to be too much of a pain for you. I don't want to lose even one of my followers because of these evil thieves.
Thank you for letting me vent on this. By the way, I will not be truncating this particular post...I dare them to steal this one!!
Your forever blogging friend,
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